– Jennifer Elkhouri
For years, I’ve seen coverage of what I consider complete nut jobs jumping into FREEZING cold water in the dead of winter. I have always thought, “Why would anyone ever do that?” Then, I heard about the Virginia Polar Dip … and how it can help children battling cancer. Sold. I will do just about anything for these children. They endure treatments that are outdated due to lack of funding — in fact, only 4% of the National Cancer Institute’s research dollars are allocated to childhood cancer research. So, I figured the least I can do is jump into some ice cold water, scream as I am doing so, and maybe cry a little afterward, but most importantly, raise money and awareness.
Well, we’ve been jumping in this exhilarating event since 2015 and when I say exhilarating, that’s the kindest way I can put what that cold water feels like in February! And we have a few of our team members jumping this year: Olivia, Matthew, Madalyn, a Salon Khouri client and friend, Charleen, her very courageous 9 year old, my very courageous 11 year old, and myself.
Please help our by either making a donation (no donation is too small) OR signing up to PLUNGE with us on the Salon Khouri team! Our goal is to raise $5,000 as a team through donations and through the salon donating $1 for every haircut we did in January toward Camp Sunshine. All funds raised will help send children with life-threatening illnesses and their families to Camp Sunshine.

Gotta cut through the ice first … 2015

2015 Polar Dip Jump

2016 Polar Dip Jump

2016 Polar Dip Team

Our 2017 team

Our son who jumped on my behalf in 2018 because I had the flu.

2020 Post Jump – adrenaline was keeping us warm … for about 2 minutes.