Dulles Hair Salon

Earn Salon Khouri Rewards in Three Easy Ways

In 2015, we gave over $12,000 in rewards points to our amazing Salon Khouri Enthusiasts to use toward their appointments and product purchases at Salon Khouri! Salon Khouri Rewards are effortless! We track everything for you, and there are no punch cards to carry around! You earn Salon Khouri Rewards in three easy ways: referring clients, prebooking your next appointment at checkout and purchasing products at Salon Khouri! Every 1,000 points is equivalent to $1, so 10,000 points is equal to $10.


Salon Khouri Rewards

Silpada Fundraiser for Camp Sunshine

For years, I’ve seen coverage of what I consider complete nut jobs jumping into FREEZING cold water in the dead of winter. I have always thought, “Why would anyone ever do that?” Then, I heard about the Virginia Polar Dip … and how it can help children battling cancer. Sold. I will do just about anything for these children. They endure treatments that are outdated due to lack of funding — in fact, only 4% of the National Cancer Institute’s research dollars are allocated to childhood cancer research. So, I figured the least I can do is jump into some ice cold water, scream as I am doing so, and maybe cry a little afterward, but most importantly, raise money and awareness.

Here’s how YOU can help. Silpada is having a retiring pieces sale — up to 40% off! Your purchase will directly help me raise money for Camp Sunshine. You can shop here to support the fundraiser: https://bit.ly/SilpadaCampSunshine. (You can also join the Salon Khouri team from that link and jump with us!!!) Or, if you are all blinged out at the moment, you can donate to the Salon Khouri team directly here: https://bit.ly/SKPolarDip2015.
