
Our Community Outreach Partner for September: The Truth 365

Over 15,000 kids will be diagnosed with cancer in the next 365 days. Cancer kills more than 2,500 children in our country every year.

The goal of The Truth 365 is to educate and mobilize millions of people through Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other social networking sites. Their full-length documentaries and shorter films inform the public that there is a critical need for funding for childhood cancer research. Through increased awareness comes increased funding. You see, children *should be* our nations’ priority. Yet, the shocking lack of funding for childhood cancers indicates otherwise. We are sad to again be including this fact in our blog: the National Cancer Institute allocates only 4% of it’s cancer research budget toward childhood cancers. And 4% is simply not enough. Drug companies aren’t allocating research dollars either, as there are 16 major types of pediatric cancers and over 100 subtypes – all of which need to be approached differently. Much of the funding for new therapies are left to be raised by the parents, which is a burden they should not have to bear. Yet, they do, faced with no other options for helping their children. They bike, run, shave their heads, participate in ultra marathons — just about anything they can do — they will to raise money to give to advance research.

We would love for you to spread the word about CureFest, an amazing and FREE childhood cancer event in Washington DC! This year, CureFest will be September 15th and 16th, with the 1.8 mile walk on Sunday.

We are donating $1 from every haircut from both locations this September to The Truth 365. You also have an opportunity to help by donating at our front desk where you can fill out a Childhood Cancer Awareness Square to hang in our window to help us #GoGold this September! To read more about the shocking facts of childhood cancer, please read our blog post from last year.


It’s better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness: DC Candlelighters

We are honored to partner with DC Candlelighters, our August Community Outreach partner. DC Candlelighters is an all-volunteer organization providing emotional, educational, practical and financial support to families of children fighting cancer. The name Candlelighters comes from the ancient proverb: “it is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.” DC Candlelighters strives to provide a light in the darkness because we believe no family should face the uncertain world of childhood cancer alone.

DC Candlelighters was founded by a group of mothers whose own children fought cancer, to give families facing the devastating discovery of a child’s cancer something they had wished for themselves – someone who has “been there” and understands the fear, helplessness, and financial and family pressures that grow out of a childhood cancer diagnosis. The DC Candlelighters Board of Directors consists of parents who have had a child with cancer and professionals who have worked with families who experience childhood cancer. The non-profit serves all children with cancer and their families, long-term survivors of childhood cancer and their families, and bereaved families who live or receive treatment within 50 miles of the Washington DC, metropolitan area.

We will be donating $1 from every haircut we do in August from both our Fairfax and Dulles salons. We also wanted to share with you information about their biggest fundraiser of the year: Dancing Through the Decades. The event will have hors d’oeuvres, beverages, entertainment, dancing and a silent auction! All proceeds raised that evening will benefit DC Candlelighters so they can continue their programs and events. Purchase tickets before August 31st and receive a special price of $60 per ticket! Your ticket includes entry to the event, dining and two adult beverage drinks.

Providing Hope through Living MS: Our July Community Outreach Partner

In 2011, local Loudoun resident, Beth Donaldson, was given news she had long feared: she had Multiple Sclerosis. A mother of two and wife of a police SWAT officer, Beth was no stranger to the disease as her paternal grandfather and two paternal aunts had the disease.

Beth undergoing an OCREVUS infusion in December of 2107.

The grueling treatments began right away — treatments that would help to keep the disease at bay, but which also brought on other debilitating symptoms. Beth has been through multiple treatments, infusions, has seen lesions, fatigue, nausea, brain cloud, but endures it all with grace and a smile that would melt even the Grinch’s heart. In 2015, from osteoarthritis caused by the multiple sclerosis, Beth underwent her first hip replacement, and in 2017, a second hip replacement.

Beth’s husband, Mike, an amazing supporter to Beth, began immediately raising money for research. From 2012 through 2016, the two raised approximately $17,000 for the MS Society through Mike’s bike rides for the MS Society. It was in 2016 when the two decided to create Living MS, a 501(c)3 charity focused on raising money for MS research and awareness.


In 2017, Living MS hosted their first annual Bike Ride, called Gravel de Loco, and raised an impressive $6,000. On November 8, 2017, the couple and their two children drove to The James Q. Miller MS Clinic at UVA and donated a check for $5,000 to be used to fund research for a cure for MS. Beth and Mike are planning a second Gravel de Loco, tentatively scheduled for October 13, 2018. Please be sure to follow the Living MS Facebook page for updates on this amazing and *beautiful* ride through one of the most scenic counties in the nation!

Living MS is planning another bike ride this year, tentatively scheduled for Saturday, October 13th in Loudoun County. The ride will have a 25 mile loop and a 50 mile loop.

This July, we are honored to partner with Living MS and will be donating $1 from every haircut from our Fairfax and Loudoun locations to this local non-profit whose mission is to end MS.

A little side note that we love: Beth originally found Salon Khouri by winning a gift card she won through a fundraiser in 2013 for the Isabella Santos Foundation.

This little light of mine …

Kate Olivia Rhoades’ light shone brightly on all who were lucky enough to meet her. Kate was diagnosed with high risk, pre-b cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia when she was 26 months old. She underwent two and a half years of treatment, including chemo, steroids, port surgery, and spinal taps. After four months of being treatment free, Kate relapsed and was taken from this world just 15 hours after her parents, Lindsay and Mike, learned of her relapse.

Lindsay and Mike promised Kate that they would continue to fight in Kate’s honor for less toxic treatments for children battling cancer with the ultimate goal of finding a cure. They formed Kate’s Cause, a non-profit aimed at raising awareness and funds for less-toxic childhood cancer research. Another important mission of Kate’s Cause is to give back to the childhood cancer community, which they beautifully do through toy drives and activities at The Pediatric Specialists of Virginia Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders and her treatment hospital, Inova Children’s Hospital.

We are honored to be partnering once again with this amazing, local non-profit as our Community Outreach Partner for June. For every haircut we perform in June, $1 will be donated to Kate’s Cause.

Lindsay wrote a beautiful post remembering and honoring Kate today and we wanted to share it here:

Seventh Heaven

For the third year in a row, you nudged me awake right at 4:04am, the very moment your beautiful face entered this world. For the third year in a row, it’s bright and beautifully sunny outside instead of the forecasted gray and dreary. For the third year in a row, I have walked to your room and wished to the heavens I’d find you there. But for the third year in a row, you are gone on your birthday and I’m celebrating for you instead of with you.

It’s your 7th birthday today and I’ve found the words “seventh heaven” rolling around in my mind over the last few days. Not even knowing what it meant, I thought it a good title for a birthday post. It sounded right – afterall, you’re spending your 7th in heaven, so it felt to me to be a good fit.

Seventh Heaven: the highest heaven, where God and the most exalted angels dwell. A state of intense happiness; bliss.

Well now, Kate. If that doesn’t just embody who you are. If that doesn’t just describe in perfect form WHERE you are. If that doesn’t just explain in 17 words the very nature of your time here on Earth – the gift you gave those who knew you, then surely no words exist that can.

You are my seventh heaven, angel, and I love you more than words. I miss you every day and while I struggle to celebrate a day such as today when you should be bouncing off the walls from too much cake….celebrate you, I will. Your life was my life’s greatest joy and I would do it all over, no matter the outcome, just to be near you. Just to share our own personal brand of seventh heaven.

Happy 7th birthday my precious girl. I love you. I miss you. Best friends forever. I promise.


Keeping Teens Safe on the Road with The ART of Driving: Our May Community Outreach Partner

Ashley Renee Thompson lost her life in a singular vehicular accident on June 10, 2003 — she was just sixteen years old. She was an advanced placement student, a competitive gymnast, and loved by her friends and peers. Her mother created The ART of Driving in memory of her daughter to increase awareness among teens and parents of the unique risks faced by young, novice drivers and to impress upon them the need for improved training, increased supervised time behind-the-wheel, and increased parental involvement. The ART of Driving is also advocating for improvements in driver education for our youth and seeks to change the mindset of teens and their parents that tragedies like this “won’t happen to me”.

We are proud to once again partner with The Art of Driving as our May Community Outreach Partner. This is our sixth year supporting The Art of Driving through our Community Outreach Partner program. We will be donating $1 from every haircut this May to this wonderful, local non-profit whose mission is to keep our children safe.

We would love for you to learn more about teen driving, particularly during the most dangerous driving season for teens: prom and graduation season. What can you do as a parent, grandparent, Godparent, Uncle, Aunt, friend to help save a child’s life? The Art of Driving has various resources to help. They can assist with starting a Teen Task Force at school or in a youth club or group. They will come speak at PTSA, Teen Night, Driver’s Education classes, SGA or any other interested group to help educate and enable our local youth to be more responsible and aware drivers. Other things you can do to help your children and to support The Art of Driving:

  1. Have your child(ren) sign The Art of Driving Pledge.
  2. Purchase a copy of How the Firefly Got Its Name, written by Ashley when she was just twelve. (If your kids are too old for this book consider a purchase to donate to your local school library).

How the Firefly Got Its Name

Help our April Community Outreach Partner Break a World Record! #Twenty4Alex

We would LOVE for you to help our April Community Outreach Partner, Alex’s Army Childhood Cancer Foundation, break a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™! Yes, be a part of history on June 10th and break the record for the most people doing push-ups! If the record is broken, all registered participants will be able to order an Official GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ certificate. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY event and will run from 2 pm to 5 pm, with the push ups taking place at 4 PM. Make a team at work or your gym and help this amazing, local non-profit in a fun and unique way in spreading awareness for childhood cancers.

Step 1: Register (it’s FREE)!!!

Step 2: Tell your friends and help spread the word!

Step 3: Practice your push-ups!

Step 4: Come to Salon Khouri the month of April for a haircut and we will donate $1 from every cut to AACCF.

There will be some powerful guest speakers plus music, food trucks, kids’ games, entertainment, and of course the push-up attempt itself!

This event is FREE to the public but registration to participate in the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ attempt is required.  We will have a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ judge onsite so that the determination will be made that day on whether we have officially created the new world record!

ALL proceeds raised by push-up participants or sponsors of this event will be put toward the Alex’s Army 2018 research fund.

You may be thinking, “why push ups?” Well, Alex Green was a sweet, local boy diagnosed with Stage IV Wilms tumor when he was just 5 years old. Alex fought for five years: through 17+ surgeries — one of which left him paralyzed from the waist down — through 30+ radiation treatments, multiple chemotherapies, and various clinical trials. Alex also had tremendous faith, was a fierce competitor and athlete. One of his favorite verses was Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Even through his treatments, Alex played various sports (wheelchair-bound, even!) Despite the harsh treatments, he committed to remaining strong and set a daily reminder on his phone to do 20 push ups. When Alex went onto hospice care in 2016, the community started doing push-ups on his behalf using the hashtag #Twenty4Alex. Alex passed away in June of 2016, but his legacy of strength and encouragement lives on.


Giving hope to children battling cancer with HopeCam

The mission of Hopecam is simple: to overcome the social isolation experienced by children in treatment for cancer. When a child is diagnosed with cancer, it is important to keep the child connected to school and friends. In fact, research by Suzuki and Kato in 2003 shows that children who felt more supported from their classmates during cancer treatment were “less depressed, less anxious, and had higher self-esteem” than children who did not feel supported by classmates.

Hopecam is a local non-profit who gives hope to thousands of children across the U.S. by keeping them connected to their friends and teachers during treatment. And, in November of 2011 when Ava Buhr, the daughter of a dear client, was diagnosed with Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Hopecam brought smiles and joy as it connected Ava with her teacher and classmates.

We are honored to partner with Hopecam this March as our March community outreach partner and will be donating $1 from each haircut at both our Fairfax, VA and Dulles Landing, VA locations. It brings us so much joy to be a Northern Virginia salon able to give back to our community in this way! Also, be sure to sign up for the 18th Annual Hopecam 5k on Sunday, May 6th.

Speak Like a Stylist: Helpful Hairstyle Glossary

best hair salons in northern va

The worldwide beauty and personal care industry is valued at approximately $400 billion, and it’s easy to see why. All across the globe, stylists, skin care specialists, and beauty brands are helping people just like you feel more confident, radiant, and special. But if you don’t know the jargon, it can be difficult to tell your hair stylist exactly what you’re looking for. Of course, your stylist will conduct a thorough consultation to make sure you’re both on the same page and that the final result will delight you. Still, it may put your mind at ease to gain a better understanding of some of the haircut and styling terms you’ll hear at hair salons. We’ve put together this helpful hairstyle glossary so that you can feel totally self-assured during your next appointment.

    • Balayage: A highlighting technique that uses a sweeping motion to hand paint color directly onto the hair (no foil necessary). It produces a more natural effect and can be done on various lengths and colors or hair. It generally lasts longer than other types of techniques.


    • Blunt Cut: A straight-across haircut with no layers that can be done on all lengths of hair. Also known as a “heavy” or “solid” cut.


    • Consultation: The beginning of a client’s hair service wherein the hair stylist will discuss the look desired by the client and offer expertise. During this time, the client has an opportunity to express what they like, don’t like, or aren’t sure about. The consultation is essential for creating a great experience; even long-time clients should be treated to a thorough consultation at every appointment.


    • Dry Cutting: This can either be the primary hair cutting method (particularly for clients with curly hair) or as a secondary method after the initial wash, cut, and style. Dry cutting can allow the hair stylist to see more detail and better understand how a client’s hair will lay after styling, which can result in a better cut overall.


    • Dusting: A very slight trim to clean up a hair cut; “just the very ends.” If a client wants to address only split ends or is nervous to make a bigger change, this can help them feel a little fresher and lighter.


    • Extensions: Real or synthetic hair pieces that are attached to the client’s hair by braiding, fusing, bonding, or clipping. These pieces can make hair look longer and/or fuller. They may be dyed to match a client’s natural color or can add pops of other colors if desired.


    • Fringe: Otherwise known as bangs. Face-framing, short layers of hair that sit on the forehead. These can be wispy or piecey, blunt and heavy, or side-swept.


    • Highlights: Lightening pieces of the hair, rather than the entire head. Highlights can be very thin or chunky, or full (meaning lighter pieces will be selected throughout your hair) or partial (lighter pieces only in specific locations, like underneath layers).


    • Layers: Cascading shorter pieces of hair that can be blunt or blended in one cohesive haircut. These add volume and dimension to a cut, can help frame the face, or either remove or add weight as needed.


    • Ombre: The gradual lightening of hair, typically dark at the roots and lighter at the ends. From the French word for “shaded” or “shading.” Unlike balayage, ombre styles have a color contrast between the top and bottom parts of the hair. Ombre styles may require bleaching, depending on the client’s natural hair color.


    • Texturing: This refers to the process of changing a client’s natural hair texture. Perms add permanent curls or re-shapes existing curls, while relaxers can permanently straighten a client’s hair. These services should allow the hair to stay healthy while giving the client their desired look.


  • Undercut: A style in which the top of the hair is left longer than what’s underneath. Bob haircuts may be done in this way, but newer trends involve shaved portions of the head that hide underneath longer portions of hair.

We hope you’ll now feel completely confident to use these terms next time you go to the salon. No matter what kind of final effect you’re after, it’s important to communicate openly with your hair stylist. That way, you’ll leave every appointment feeling incredible.

More Than Just a Hat! Our February Community Outreach Partner

We just adore this photo posted to the Ellie’s Hats blog recently of sweet little Cash, having a blast in an Ellie’s Hats tote. They dubbed it, “Cash in a bag!”

Sweet Cash in an Ellie's Hats Bag

Cash and his family were recent recipients of an Ellie’s Hats care package that included a bag, hats (of course!), a tee shirt, bracelets, and a gas card. Cash’s mom sent a sweet thank you to Ellie’s Hats:

“We received your package and are so overwhelmed by your kindness. Thank you so much for the sweet hats for all our kids, the bracelets, the shirt, the ribbon pin, the amazing bag and the gas card. Cash and his siblings were so excited when they opened the box. It brought tears to mine and my husband’s eyes. We are so very grateful and feel so blessed to receive such a loving and caring package for our family. Thank you again….so much.”

We love what Ellie’s Hats is doing for local children battling cancer. What they do really is ‘More than just a hat.’ In fact, last year, Ellie’s Hats donated $20,000 in total Pediatric Oncology Family Support Fund at INOVA Children’s Hospital and Novant Hemby Children’s Hospital, coordinated Family Dinner Nights and have brought smiles to thousands of faces across the nation by sending handmade hats to children battling cancer.

We are proud to once again partner with Ellie’s Hats this February by donating $1 from every haircut in February from both our Fairfax and Dulles locations to Ellie’s Hats.

Freezin’ again for a Reason!

This is our fourth year jumping as a team into the ice cold water of Lake Anne. But, we sort of have a soft spot for kids, particularly kids fighting life-threatening diseases such as cancer. We encourage you to join our team and jump with us on February 3rd! Or, make a donation to support our jump. No amount is too small! We have learned that little makes big and appreciate every dollar you donate to support Camp Sunshine.

2017 Salon Khouri VA Polar Dip Team

This year, we are again jumping in memory of precious Kate Rhoades. Kate was just four years old when she lost her battle to leukemia on Jan 12, 2016 after a sudden and unexpected relapse. To know Kate was to love her. Her sweet little smile and curiosity about life was contagious. We will never forget her and are honored to jump in her memory so that we can share her story with others.

Adorable Kate.

Adorable Kate.

100% of money raised goes to send local families who have children battling a critical illness for a week of respite to Camp Sunshine. Camp Sunshine provides encouragement, relaxation, joy, and hope to children with life-threatening illnesses and their immediate families from around the world through the various stages of their journeys. The year-round program is free of charge to all families, and includes 24-hour onsite medical and psychosocial support. Camp Sunshine also provides bereavement sessions for families who have lost a child to supported illnesses.

We will be donating $1 from every haircut from both our Fairfax an Dulles locations this January to Camp Sunshine. Additionally, we will be drawing one lucky winner for a 60 Minute Signature Facial at Salon Khouri from everyone who donates toward our jump!